Pleasant Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church

June 24th - 28th
June 24th - 28th

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

11125 SE 172nd Ave
Happy Valley, OR 97222
11125 SE 172nd Ave
Happy Valley, OR 97222
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Rescued: Safe in Jesus
Get ready for a whole new experience in VBS. Voice of Prophecy is proud to present a Vacation Bible School camp based on the popular characters of Discovery Mountain that kids have grown to know and love. In this exciting adventure, kids hear that God loves them and wants to rescue them, just as he did Noah and his family. Kids will love their time at VBS camp.
And lots of fun activites!
Join us for fun this summer at...
Pleasant Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
11125 SE 172nd Ave
Happy Valley, OR 97222